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  • Aye, Nilar; Naing, Thinn Thu (Sixteenth International Conferences on Computer Applications(ICCA 2018), 2018-02-22)
    Tourism Industry is a dynamic and competitive business sector that requires updating information continuously to meet customers’ satisfaction. In addition, the industry plays a vital role for the economic growth of the ...
  • Mon, Shun Ei; Kham, Nang Saing Moon (Eighth Local Conference on Parallel and Soft Computing, 2017-12-27)
    Recommender systems on web pages are a subclass of information filtering system that seeks the relevant web pages according to prediction of the 'rating' or 'preference' that a user would give web page. Nowadays, the ...
  • Tar, Hmway Hmway; Nyunt, Thi Thi Soe (Tenth International Conference On Computer Applications (ICCA 2012), 2012-02-28)
    Currently the Internet is the first solution for scholars in finding information. But, analyzing and interpreting this volume of information will lead to researchers overload in pursuing their research. Document clustering ...
  • Oo, Kyaw Zin (Fourth Local Conference on Parallel and Soft Computing, 2009-12-30)
    Today, Information Technology (IT) is rapidly improving and then large-scale available data and information is demanded by information society. To get relevant and related information, efficient Information Retrieval (IR) ...
  • Cho, Hnin Ei Ei (Fourth Local Conference on Parallel and Soft Computing, 2009-12-30)
    Retrieving the necessary information about the domain provide the user to acquire the explicit knowledge for that domain. This information about terms and their relations is traditionally provided through dictionaries. But ...
  • Khaing, Khin Kyawt Kyawt; Hlaing, Moe Moe (Fourth Local Conference on Parallel and Soft Computing, 2009-12-30)
    Nowadays,Information Technology is rapidly improving to provide possibilities for integration among applications using various databases. It involves retrieving and integrating information from multiple data sources. The ...
  • Lwin, Wai Wai; Kham, Nang Saing Moon (Fifteenth International Conference on Computer Applications(ICCA 2017), 2017-02-16)
    The World Wide Web, the largest shared information source is growing exponentially and the amount of business news on the web is overwhelming and need to be handled properly. As such, grouping the web document into ...
  • Naing, Myo Myo Than (Eleventh International Conference On Computer Applications (ICCA 2013), 2013-02-26)
    In information retrieval system, classification of web queries is important to provide search result effectively and efficiently. Web query classification is to classify a web search query into a set of intended categories. ...
  • LWIN, NANDAR MOH MOH (University of Computer Studies, Yangon, 2023-07)
    Due to the dramatic improvement of ecommerce, web sources which are important for both potential customers and service providers rapidly emerge in prediction and decision purposes. Opinion mining techniques become popular ...
  • Win, Htwe Pa Pa; Tun, Khin Nwe Ni (Ninth International Conference On Computer Applications (ICCA 2011), 2011-05-05)
    Automatic machine-printed Optical Characters or texts Recognizers (OCR) are highly desirable for a multitude of modern IT applications, including Digital Library software. However, the state of the art OCR systems ...
  • Aye, Zin Win; Mon, Myat Thida (Fourteenth International Conference On Computer Applications (ICCA 2016), 2016-02-25)
    Nowadays, wireless networks which offer various multimedia services to mobile users are demanding Quality of Services (QoS) for these services. Therefore, defining optimal queue size of various mixed applications at ...
  • Cho, Ei Mon (Fourth Local Conference on Parallel and Soft Computing, 2009-12-30)
    Geographic Information System (GIS) is a computer system capable of capturing, analyzing, and displaying geographically referenced information; that is, data identified according to location. Geospatial information system ...
  • Phyo, K-zin; Sein, Myint Myint (Fourteenth International Conference On Computer Applications (ICCA 2016), 2016-02-25)
    Urban fire is one of the most ordinary problems in all nations. Fire can cause serious damages to people and properties. When the fire event occurred, it is extremely important to reach the fire vehicles to incident ...
  • Phyo, K-zin (University of Computer Studies, Yangon, 2019-11)
    Emergency events never happen with prior alert and notification, and can damage people and cause permanent loss as consequences. For that reason, how to report the emergency service organizations, to distinguish the ...
  • Chaw, Hnin Thiri; Thuzar, Myat; Sein, Myint Myint (Fourteenth International Conference On Computer Applications (ICCA 2016), 2016-02-25)
    In recent year, the transportation networks are becoming more and more complex and navigation services are increasingly necessary for the people living in the modern society. One of the requirements in the cities of ...
  • Parami, Ananta (Eighth Local Conference on Parallel and Soft Computing, 2017-12-27)
    Nowadays, as the consumer market becomes quite competitive and challenging, to gain the customer’s satisfactions is vital. Therefore, Decision Support System would play an important role in mass production line. ...
  • Aye, Thaw Tar; Yee, Myint Myint (National Journal of Parallel and Soft Computing, 2019-03)
    Operation Research (OR) is an interdisciplinary branch of applied mathematics and formal science that uses method like mathematical modeling, statistics and algorithms to arrive at optimal or near optimal solution to ...
  • Mar, Aye Aye; Aung, Nang Soe Soe (Fourth Local Conference on Parallel and Soft Computing, 2009-12-30)
    Dijkstra algorithm among the shortest-path algorithms is to solve the shortest-path problem. Dijkstra’s algorithm is probably the best-known and thus most implemented shortest path algorithm. It is based on a priority queue ...
  • Wutyi, Khaing Shwe (Ninth International Conference On Computer Applications (ICCA 2011), 2011-05-05)
    Linear Programming (LP) is a class of mathematical programming models concerned with the efficient allocation of limited resources to specified activities with the objective of meeting a desired goal. Linear ...
  • Win, Soe Theint Theint; Aung, Khin Sandar (Eighth Local Conference on Parallel and Soft Computing, 2017-12-27)
    Clustering (or cluster analysis) aims to organize a collection of data items into clusters, such that items within a cluster are more “similar” to each other than they are to items in the other clusters.Clustering is ...

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