Data deduplication has become a popular
technology for reducing the amount of storage
space necessary for backup and archival data. As
the amount of data growth all over the world,
many organization need to reduce amount of data
safely. To protect size of data enormously growth,
deduplication become a solution to solve this
problem. Data deduplication is found in many
forms. Data deduplication reduces the data that
duplicate within a file or among other files.
Virtual tape libraries, archive storage, disk
storage systems, and applications such as email
systems, content managers, backup systems and
more, are examples of where data deduplication
can be applied. It can achieve more storage space
although there are multiple files. So, data
deduplication becomes essential and critical
component of backup systems.
In this thesis, deduplication for chunk-based file
backup is implemented using Content-Defined
Chunking Algorithm and Secure Hash Algorithm.
In this thesis, deduplication works with four steps:
(1) Chunking (2) Fingerprinting (3) Index lookup
(4) Writing.Content-Defined Chunking
Algorithm chunks input file stream to generate
chunks. Secure Hash Algorithm is use to generate
hash key (fingerprint) and to compare new chunks
and old chunks in order to get unique chunks in
the file. In such system, we focus on Microsoft
Word files. In normal, deduplication takes a long
time to complete and use a lot of CPU cycles in
the process of deduplicating data, possibly
introducing performance issues on production
machines. Instant of deduplication make over
entire file, this thesis dedupes a file by partition
three parts in order to reduce processing time.