Around the world, organizations of all
sizes have pledged their commitment to build and
maintain comprehensive portals to serve their
customers employees, trading partners, and
constituents. Corporations in all industries,
go vernments at all levels, and nonprofit
organizations for all interests have jumped on the
portal bandwagon In this paper will create a
web based search portal. To search the websites,
administrator must crawl the websites. Crawler
and Search engines play a very important role in
information retrieval. Rapid increase in web size
and dynamic nature of web contents is a
challenge to existing crawlers and search engines.
A focused crawler aims at selectively seeking out
pages that are relevant to a pre defined set of
topics. Numerous crawling algorithms are
available to retrieve relevant data on the basis of
different metrics, like similarity based on query,
forward link count, back link count, page rank,
location metrics. In this paper we attempt to
present Bre adth First Search we b crawler.