Content-based image retrieval (CBIR) system
retrieves relevant images based on their contents
such as color, texture, shape, volume, spatial
constraints and etc. In this paper, a CBIR system is
implemented by using color homogram filter and
spatial filter to improve the image retrieval system
according to the image visual content by computer
vision. The color feature and spatial feature
information are retrieved in offline feature extraction.
The color feature of an image is retrieved by using
the color homogram of a CIE Lab color space and
the spatial feature of an image is retrieved by the
proposed spatial algorithm. A CBIR system is
created by using color homogram filter and spatial
filter sequentially in online query processing. The
color-spatial query results from the final query
ranking are ranked according to the total normalized
distance in color and spatial features as the query
presentation. This system is implemented by using
MATLAB programming.