As the information technology communication
advances, there is a need for strong interest in the information
security. Encryption is one of the alternative techniques that
can be applied to any system for safeguarding sensitive data.
The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST)
recently selected the Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) .
also known as Rijndael. The AES is a block cipher , and it can
be used in many different modes. AES itself is a very strong
cipher, and counter mode makes it difficult for an
eaveasdropper to sport patterns. This system implements the use
of AES Counter Mode (AES-CTR), with an explicit initialization
vector (IV). We will apply Linear Congruential Method (LCM)
for IV generation and a decentralized approach for key
distribution. AES-CTR has many properties that make it an
attractive encryption algorithm for in high-speed networking.