Cluster is refers to identifying the number of
subclasses of c-clusters (2d” cd” n). There are two kinds of c
partition of data: hard (or crisp) and soft (or fuzzy) . Two
important issues are to consider how to measure the similarity
between pairs of observations and how to evaluate the
partitions how they are performed. Fuzzy c-means clustering is
an extremely powerful classification method to accommodate
fuzzy data. The application of Fuzzy set in a classification
function causes the class membership to become a relative one
and an project can belong to several classes at the same time
but with different degree. Fuzzy c-means clustering algorithm is
used in the system. It is a common practice to allocate students
of certain subject into number of classes just b their ID number.
In this system, allocation activity which applies the Fuzzy
clustering bases on each student’s achievement. Students with
similar achievement are pooled in the same class. On the other
hand , students with significantly different level of achievement
will be in different class. And then, it will be selected suitable
lectures according to their subjects. This paper focuses on
improvement of the daily learning process for students.