A language compiler is one of the most crucial
tools for the system development. Java Compiler
Compiler (JavaCC) [tm] is the most popular parser
generator for use with Java [tm] applications. For
a given a context free grammar, it generates a
recursive decent parser written in Java. A recursive
descent parser defines a subroutine for each
nonterminal in the grammar. Each subroutine is
responsible for recognizing a sequence of terminal
symbols produced by its nonterminal, and for
removing that sequence of terminal symbols from
the input sequence. It reads a grammar
specification and converts it to a Java program. It
can on any computer platform with a Java Virtual
Machine. In this paper, we analyze and describe
how to build a parser by applying JavaCC. We use
LL (1) grammar rules, Left to Right scanning using
one lookahead token. The proposed system is
implemented by Java Programming Language.