Expert Systems imitate the reasoning process of
experts for solving specific problems and employ human
knowledge captured in a case based memory. The
principal method use in the memory is case-based
reasoning method which can provide the solving new
problem by adapting previous solution to similar
problems. In this system, CBR’s cyclical process is used
to support enhancing a process’s performance of an
expert. This method retrieves the appropriate cases from
a larger set of cases. If the similar between a new case
and the retrieved case are very high, the previous
solution to that case is returned to users. But if the cases
are not exactly equal, the system gives the possible cases
using nearest neighbor retrieval method. This system is
tested on Postoperative Patient data.In this paper we
consider the patient who suffers lung and other
symptoms which may or may not be serious.The system
can diagnose four types of lung disease.