Speaking skill seems to be the most difficult language skill to teach Myanmar students,
probably because English is used only in the classroom. The aim of this study is to compare the
results of the teaching technique using a form of digital technology with those of o traditional
teaching technique. We provided some Myanmar university students with motivating exposure
to English speaking through video clips and gave them the opportunity to develop their English
speaking skill. Third-year students at the University o.f Computer Studies at Panglong were
taught by means of group activities and individual activities using video clips. We followed the
new trend: videos were presented with only short durations. Their improvements and responses
were assessed through a questionnaire. As a control group, another group of students were
taught without the aid of video clips. When the results were compared, both groups showed
significant improvements but the group that was taught with video clips was more motivated
and they were found to look forward to the speaking lessons. It is accepted that student
motivation is a key element in the learning process, and thus we conclude that teaching English
skill using video clips is a welcome addition to the variety of classroom activities.