A web prediction model helps to predict user
requests ahead of time, making web servers more
responsive. Web usage mining based on users’
clickstream data and it is the main subject in web
prediction systems. Prediction the near future web
pages based on user’s current clickstream data. This
paper presents web page prediction through web
usage mining and it also presents classification of
users’ navigation pattern to predict users’ future
intentions. Markov Tree algorithm is used in web
access pattern generation. Markov tree model
behaves an All-Kth-order Markov model because of
its ability to recognize different order models
according to the height of the tree. A Markov tree
gives a complete description on the frequency with
which a particular state occurs, and the number of
times a path to a particular state is used, to access its
child nodes. Longest Common Subsequence algorithm
is used in web page prediction based on user access