Operation Research (OR) is an
interdisciplinary branch of applied mathematics and
formal science that uses method like mathematical
modeling, statistics and algorithms to arrive at
optimal or near optimal solution to complex problem.
Linear Programming is widely used model type that
can solve decision problem with thousands of
variables in OR. The BIG-M method has approved to
be the most effective technique applicable to any
problem in Linear Programming, and can be
formulated in term of linear objective function,
subject to a set of constraints. BIG-M can be used to
help marketing manager allocate a fixed budget to
various advertising media. In this paper, we analyzed
the basic concepts of Linear Programming and BIGM method, and applied BIG-M method with Simplex
algorithm in advertising media selection problem of
marketing. The system produces the optimal
advertising media and advertisement times using
BIG-M method with Simplex algorithm according to
target budget and audience constraints. The
implemented system is intended to help generic
business to find out the efficient advertising media
and expense for their market.