With the fast growth of Semantic Web,
more and more Resource Description
Framework (RDF) data are created and widely
used in Web applications and information
systems. Recently, efficient RDF data
management on top of relational databases gains
particular attentions from both Semantic Web
community and database community. Most
existing RDF stores, which serve as metadata
repositories on the Semantic Web, use relational
database management system (RDBMS) as a
backend to manage RDF data. This paper
presents a framework for querying the semantic
web data over relational database. We also
propose SPARQL-SQL (Simple Protocol and
RDF Query Language - Structured Query
Language) query translation algorithm that
implements each SPARQL algebra operator via
SQL query. And then, this translation algorithm
generates a flat SQL statement for efficient query
processing by relational database query engine,
and their results can be returned as SPARQL
query solutions.