Nowadays the provision of online services by
government or business organizations has become a
standard and necessary operation. Transferring data
including the confidential or sensitive information via
Internet or insecure network and exchange of them is also
increased day by day. As a result, confidential information
leakage and cyber threats are also heightened. Confidential
information trading became one of the most profitable
businesses. Encrypting the data is a solution to secure the
data from being exposed. In this paper, we would like to
propose a solution for the secure transfer of data using
symmetric encryption, asymmetric encryption technologies
and Key Generation Server as a mixed hybrid solution. A
Symmetric encryption, modified AES algorithm, is used to
encrypt data. Digital certificate is used both for data
encryption and digital signing to assure data integrity. Key
generation server is used to generate the second secret key
from the publicly recognized information of a person and this
key is used as a second secret key in the modified AES. The
proposed hybrid solution can be utilized in any applications
that require high confidentiality, integrity of data and nonrepudiation.