Virtualization can provide significant benefits
in data centers by eliminating overload nodes.
An increasing workload can be handled by
allocating the resources to a virtual server and
storage, if idle resources are available on the
physical servers, or by simply migration of the
virtual machine (VM) to a less loaded physical
server. In case of migration, which VM migrate
to which server is important for resource
utilization. There are many considerations;
application-level statistics (such as request rate,
service time and response time) and physical
resources in host (such as memory, CPU, I/O
bandwidth, network bandwidth) and storage
node (such as space capacity and I/O capacity).
This paper proposes a VM migration decision
applying G/G/1 queuing theory. It reduces the
overhead in changing data center across
multiple resource layers-server and storage
nodes. Finally, we will measure how much
efficient on open source Xen virtualized
infrastructure as an ongoing work.