In the process of developing software and
fulfilling to the current trends, every modularized
concern needs Extensibility, Changeability,
Design Stability and Sustainability. Our study
implements the software metrics to measure the
evolution of aspect-oriented systems and the
qualities of extensible, changeable, design stable
and sustainable features are focused as the subcharacteristics
of Evolvability. The proposed
metrics: Extensibility Quality Measurement
(EQM), Changeability Quality Measurement
(CQM), Design Stability Quality Measurement
(DSQM) and Sustainability Quality
Measurement (SQM) are aimed to measure the
qualities aspect-oriented (AO) software that are
implemented in AspectJ and other aspectoriented
programming (AOP) languages. The
statistical analysis of these software quality
factors is based on MobileMedia and
HealthWatcher, AspectJ projects. To prove the
usefulness of the proposed metrics, it is validated
empirically by using Self-Organizing Map (SOM) algorithm and theoretically by using
Extension of Briand’s OO metrics Framework.