Storage management is one of the most popular
challenging tasks in cloud computing data storage.
NoSQL became widely known data stores in distributed
data storage for two reasons: (1) high until almost
ultimate scalability and (2) low administration
overhead. In these days, the growth of data is extremely
fast and thus scalable distributed data store is essential
for the storage of large volumes of data (petabytes,
terabytes of data). NoSQL databases are the most
suitable solutions for the above situation as well as in
cloud computing. Distributed databases have three
properties that are commonly desired are: CAP
(consistency, availability, partition tolerance). It would
be ideal if distributed databases can deliver all three
guarantees. However, providing all three attributes in
NoSQL is still a challenge. This paper intends to
examine how NoSQL works and to enchance the
availability ,by using replication mechanism and latency
reducing mechanism, in NoSQL databases that are
suitable for cloud computing environment. Moreover,
the paper also presents the enhancement on partition
tolerance in NoSQL data-stores by using the symmetric
replication mechanism in P2P chord ring.