Fourth Local Conference on Parallel and Soft Computing: Recent submissions

  • Kyaw, Aung Thu (Fourth Local Conference on Parallel and Soft Computing, 2009-12-30)
    The huge number of available documents on the Web makes a challenging task to find relevant ones. The quality of result provided by traditional full-text search engines is still not optimal for many types of user queries. ...
  • Oo, Thaw Thaw (Fourth Local Conference on Parallel and Soft Computing, 2009-12-30)
    Querying in Natural language is more convenient for the user than querying in SQL. This paper is intended to construct the query translation system from Natural Language to SQL. Natural Language Processing is a theoretically ...
  • Khaing, Myint Myint; Oo, Hlaing Thida (Fourth Local Conference on Parallel and Soft Computing, 2009-12-30)
    Genetic Algorithm (GA) and fitness function equation is write in basic language and embedded in Microcontroller. The fitness value from function is assign as the duty cycle of the DC motor. In this system 6 bit chromosome ...
  • Zar, Aung Yar (Fourth Local Conference on Parallel and Soft Computing, 2009-12-30)
    In the world of today, computer and Internet have become part of our everyday lives. Security for data and information are very important. Secure communication is an intrinsic requirement for many popular online transactions ...
  • Kyaw, Lei Yee (Fourth Local Conference on Parallel and Soft Computing, 2009-12-30)
    The relative humidity sensor changes its capacitance with the humidity. The humidity sensing circuit is constructed around a 555 timer with astable operation. It produces a rectangular wave. In order to achieve the ...
  • Nyein, Ei Mon Mon; Aye, Hnin Hnin (Fourth Local Conference on Parallel and Soft Computing, 2009-12-30)
    This paper proposes a fuzzy logic control system that can produce almost continuous output values suitable for interactive and real-time processing. This system utilizes the fuzzy logic to control the traffic light. There ...
  • Thida, May (Fourth Local Conference on Parallel and Soft Computing, 2009-12-30)
    Computer-controlled systems are of great interest in today’s world. These systems have spread into many areas of applications, such as environmental protections, military affairs and factory controls. Computer-controlled ...
  • Wai, Nang Hnin Lae (Fourth Local Conference on Parallel and Soft Computing, 2009-12-30)
    Information Security is essential when communicating over any untrusted medium and information system. When data are transmited over insecure communications channel, key is used to encrypt or decrypt data. The attacker ...
  • Baung, Ar Kar (Fourth Local Conference on Parallel and Soft Computing, 2009-12-30)
    To design a CPU, its instruction set architecture is first developed, including its instruction set and its internal registers. A CPU contains three primary sections: the register section, the ALU, and the control unit. ...
  • Maung, Tin Nilar (Fourth Local Conference on Parallel and Soft Computing, 2009-12-30)
    A complex system, such as a computer system, is seen to be composed with several levels of abstractions. In general, a computer system is seen to be composed of three levels; the gate level, the register level and the ...
  • Moh, Moh (Fourth Local Conference on Parallel and Soft Computing, 2009-12-30)
    A key problem faced by managers is how to allocate scarce resources among activities or projects. Linear programming, or LP, is a method of allocating resources in an optimal way. It is one of the most widely used Operations ...
  • Thein, Hay Mar Hla (Fourth Local Conference on Parallel and Soft Computing, 2009-12-30)
    Information is pivotal in today’s business environment. Success is dependent on its early and decisive use. A lack of information is a sure for failure. The rapidly changing environment in which business operates demands ...
  • Win, Myint Myint; Shein, Swe Swe (Fourth Local Conference on Parallel and Soft Computing, 2009-12-30)
    Nowadays, the computerized systems are popular in many business application areas and the online-based business systems are widely implemented for successful business. Taunggyi has many popular and interested places ...
  • Htut, Hla; Oo, Hlaing Thida (Fourth Local Conference on Parallel and Soft Computing, 2009-12-30)
    PIC controlling system is widely used and very popular in industrial control. The aim of this paper is to design Microcontroller based temperature control system and to construct. PIC model 16F877 and LM 35 DZ temperature ...
  • Win, Thet Swe (Fourth Local Conference on Parallel and Soft Computing, 2009-12-30)
    This paper aims to develop a computerized thermometer using PIC and RS232 serial interfacing. The analogue temperature sensor is used to detect the real world temperature. The temperature sensor produces analogue changes ...
  • Lwin, Tin Moe Moe (Fourth Local Conference on Parallel and Soft Computing, 2009-12-30)
    The system is mainly intended to reduce the wastage of space for car parking control system by using PIC microcontroller. If a car arrives at the ENTRY barrier, the sensor senses and then the program checks and counts. If ...
  • Kywe, Phyo Phyo (Fourth Local Conference on Parallel and Soft Computing, 2009-12-30)
    As Recommender systems are an important part of recent E-commerce, this paper is proposed to recommend the items to a user based a description of the item of the user’s interests and them allows the user to see more details ...
  • Moe, Hla Hla; Htun, Moe Sanda (Fourth Local Conference on Parallel and Soft Computing, 2009-12-30)
    Within the past few years, a large variety of online stores has been started in cyberspace and people face the problems to get some things which they really want or need. Recommender systems help them to solve these problems. ...
  • Htun, Khine Ohnmar; Phyu, Win Lei Lei (Fourth Local Conference on Parallel and Soft Computing, 2009-12-30)
    Data warehouses must have efficient Online Analysis Processing (OLAP) that provides tools to satisfy the information needs of business managers, helping then to make faster and more effective decisions. The increasing use ...
  • San, El Mi Mi; Nwe, Nwe (Fourth Local Conference on Parallel and Soft Computing, 2009-12-30)
    Tuberculosis (TB) is a social disease with medical aspects. By the increasing availability of biomedical and health-care data with a wide range of characteristics, computer-based medical system is playing an increasingly ...

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