Cloud computing is an emerging computing
paradigm in which applications, data and IT
resources are provided as a service to users over
the Internet. One kind of services that can be
offered through the cloud is Software as a
Service or (SaaS). For SaaS placement in the
Cloud, the problem relates to how a composite
SaaS should be placed in a Cloud by the Cloud’s
providers such that its performance is optimal
based on its estimated execution time. The
challenges in the SaaS placement process rely on
several factors, including the size of the Cloud
network, SaaS competing resource requirements,
SaaS interactions between its components and
SaaS interactions with its data components. This
paper proposes a PSO-GA (Particle Swarm
Optimizing-Genetic Algorithm) based hybrid
algorithm to the composite SaaS placement
problem in the Cloud storage for minimizing the
execution time and execution cost of applications
on the resources provided by cloud.