In statistical machine translation (SMT), the
currently best performing systems are based in
some way on phrases or word groups. In this
paper, phrase-based translation system is
described. Translation model and word-based
lexicon model are used in this system. This
system is implemented as a separated part of the
Myanmar to English machine translation system.
Myanmar language does not use space between
words. Therefore, the system uses Myanmar
Word Segmenter, which is implemented in
UCSYNLP lab and is available for research
purpose, to segment Myanmar sentence.
Myanmar-English bilingual corpus is also used
as a main knowledge source. The vast amount of
information is needed to guide the translation
process. The large scale Myanmar corpus is
unavailable at present. This system aims to
increase correct translation results with limited
bilingual corpus. The experimental results show
that the proposed system seems promising for
Myanmar to English machine translation system.