The recent developments in existing network
infrastructure need high bandwidth capacity and multiple
paths between high-end switches. Software-Defined
Networking (SDN) provides QoS for network flows. Statistics
measurement is an essential task in traffic engineering.
Traditional equal cost multi-path (ECMP) routing used to
statically steer flows among multiple equal-cost paths but it
cannot guarantee optimal resource utilization. This static hash
collision can degrade throughput and high latency for the
flows. Flow Path Computing algorithm (FPCA) can minimize
the network congestion by rerouting the flows over the
alternative paths in SDN. The FPCA algorithm evaluates the
existing flow's demand based on port statistics and the
existing flow is shifted from the congested path to the
alternative light loaded path. In this paper, this paper also
takes a look at statistics measurement in SDN to improve the
performance of HTTP and FTP traffic over ECMP. The
evaluations indicate that FPCA algorithm enforces the
required end to-end QoS for each traffic flow.