Neighbor Search with Hash Map Indexing Technique is used to get the high performance when
the optimal path is searched in the complex networks. This system can also give advice the public bus
passengers about the travel route depend on the travel time and cost. Moreover, the proposed technique is
highly performance one if it compares about the response time of many other popular cited shortest path
algorithms. Especially it contains two main parts for finding the optimal path, the first one is dividing the
complex large tree into small sub-trees using divide and conquer at an optimal threshold value. The second
one is using heuristic neighbor search instead of searching the heuristic values of all expanded nodes at
current level. Heuristic neighbor search and hash-map indexing technique is used together to reduce the time
complexity when the heuristic values are searched dynamically depend on the user query to reach the target.
The proposed system is faster than the popular bi-directional heuristic search A* algorithm, previously
proposed combined forward and backward heuristic search algorithm and modified heuristic search algorithm.
Road network and bus network in Yangon Region is used as the case study for spatial database.