Opinion Mining becomes popular in seeking the information on online review or
feedback system. This technique can be usually used in recommender system that supposes
the customers for making trust upon the products based on other user’s opinion. Moreover,
this technique can also help the development or maintenance of different kinds of products
or activities by evaluating the users’ opinion. In conventional opinion mining techniques,
it can examine the people feeling from their reviews or comments such as positive or
negative only. The process of examining such positive and negative score is also known as
sentiment analysis. Sentiment analysis can be applied at different levels of scope such as
sentence level, document level and aspect level. So, in the current trend, the goal of
sentiment analysis is to dig the aspect word that is the fine grained sentiment information
based on the reviews or comments of various domains. So, the proposed system aims to
analyze the aspect level sentiment analysis on student feedback system.
The required feedback data are collected from the University of Computer Studies,
Taungoo(UCST). First step of sentiment analysis is part-of-speech tagging (POS tagging)
that can identify the form of each word in the sentence. For POS tagging, this system uses
OpenNLP parser which parses the sentence as adjectives, verbs and nouns, respectively.
For defining the sentiment score of each word, this system uses sentiWordNet lexical
resources by applying the SWN3 algorithm which finds the score of each word in lexical
resource and attaching with this word. In order to dig the aspect word for feedback
statement, the Domain Specific Ontology relating to UCST is created in the preprocessing
stage of this system which composed with the main aspect words of the domain. Finally,
the proposed algorithm Onto-to-List can definitely find the matching aspect word from the
feedback statement by confirming the domain specific ontology. This system is evaluated
by using confusion matrix and the accuracy measurement based on the prediction of user’s
opinion. The accuracy of this system is 94% that is evaluated over 100 history records of
this system. This system will assist the administrator of UCST to evaluate the performance
of the University.