Real world social network is represented as a graph structure which has a
collection of non-empty set of nodes and set of connections of nodes. The nodes in a
social graph are people, and edges represent the connection between them. People in
the society are naturally grouped to form communities in their workplace, friendship
and family. The study of complex social network topology has triggered the interest of
many scientists in recent years. Some important features of a social network need to be
understood in terms of node density in cluster, degree of node, reachability, size of
network, geodesic distance and diameter. Thus, the idea of community within a social
network has emerged as an educational tool for social network analysis that lays the
foundation for some high-level initiatives. Finding community structure is the key to
research the structural components of relationships in the social network. Community
detection aims at grouping nodes based on the links between them to form strongly link
sub groups of graph from the whole graph.
Many community discovery techniques have been borrowed on inspired from
the problem of hierarchical clustering, graph partitioning in modern graph theory, as
well as the graph clustering or dense sub-graphs discovery problem in the graph mining
area. These algorithms were designed to reveal the mesoscopic nature of various
networks. It is not known how good the algorithm is in terms of computational time,
efficiency of these algorithms and accuracy, which remains still open. Community
detection in social network is one kind of the optimization problems because it cannot
get exact solution and only get an optimal solution. So, various types of community
detection algorithms attempt to capture the intuitive notation that nodes within the
group have higher intra-density and have lower inter-density with other nodes in the
other group.
Population-based nature inspired optimization algorithms have attracted
extensive research interests over the past decade. Researchers used these algorithms to
search the hidden communities in social networks. An enhanced discrete artificial bee
colony D-ABC algorithm is proposed for solving community detection problem in
social networks. In this thesis,some of the challenges and applications of social network
community discovery for analyzing network documents will be explored. The proposed
system focuses on undirected and unweighted social networks and considers the
connection of nodes for the community detection problem.
The proposed algorithm D-ABC is designed with an effective initialization
strategy with label-based solution representation and one way crossover operation of
genetic operators is used in the search strategy process. D-ABC selects modularity
function as the fitness function of each solution. The efficiency of searching process
can be improved by heuristic function which contain genetic algorithm operations. Most
of the real social network community detection problem do not know each community
size and numbers of community. D-ABC algorithm can also detect communities in
social network that does not know real community numbers and sizes. When it detects
the communities on a network structure, it uses neighbor nodes similarity measurement.
In this thesis, standard social datasets with ground-truth results and various scale real world networks without ground-truth from the Stanford Large Network Dataset
Collection are used. The performance of the proposed system is assessed by accuracy,
efficiency and effectiveness. The result indicates good quality with accurate
communities as well as their density improvement.