Increasing food demand will challenge the agricultural sector globally over the
next decades. A sustainable solution to this challenge is to increase crop yield without
massive cropland area expansion. This can be achieved by identifying and adopting
best management practices. The more detailed understanding of how crop yield is
impacted by climate change and growing-season weather. Many factors influence
irrigation water requirement in an agriculture field. Those factors are age of plant,
humidity, temperature, soil moisture/soil water needed. Despite the multiple solution
proposed, still the quantity of water over flood and underfloor in the agriculture felid.
The artificial influence on irrigation requirement should be thought of an important
impact factor, considering the requirement of water, the technology can help in
preserving large quantity of water in agriculture felid. This system will predict the
balance between water supply and demand requires efficient water supply system by
using K-nearest neighbor (KNN). In this system, the C# programming language is
implemented on Microsoft Visual Studio ID and Microsoft SQL Server is also used
for Database Engine.