Privacy is one of the basic rights for
individuals and institutions that need to preserve
their confidentiality. Blind signature is widely
used for various applications of e-commerce like
digital payment system and electronic voting
system where to maintain the privacy of
customer is necessary. Most of the blind
signature schemes are very high at
computational overhead and memory usage
problem. And then they need to maintain the
security of blind signature scheme to protect the
data. In this paper, four scalar multiplication
methods are run in efficient blind signature
scheme by varying the NIST key size. By saving
random factors and key size with suitable bits
the system solved the memory usage problem.
This paper showed that the comparison of key
size with other blind signatures schemes and
analyzed the security of proposed scheme.
Compare with previous schemes, proposed blind
signature with 160 bit ECC is more efficient and
low computation and it can be applied in Evoting