Grapheme-to-Phoneme (GTP) conversion is one of the most important parts for text-to-speech synthesis of Myanmar language. TTS system is firstly faced with the conversion of input text into linguistic representation usually called text-to-phonetic or grapheme-to-phoneme conversion. This paper presents the Grapheme-to-Phoneme conversion with dictionary-based approach. Conversion can be divided in two main phases, text preprocessing and creation of linguistic data for correct pronunciation. Myanmar number converter and syllable segmentation includes in the task of text preprocessing. Myanmar number converter is a vital task in Grapheme-to-Phoneme (GTP) conversion that is transforming from a numeric form to textual form to easily analyze in speech synthesis. Syllable segmentation is used the automatic segmentation software to segment the words to syllables. Dictionary-based approach for Myanmar phonetic promotes to get correct pronunciation with linguistic data in this paper. This method has a benefit is quick and accurate in extraction data.