It is demonstrated as medical diagnosis agents of medical centers located in different areas. Agents are provided for users who want to know a related syndrome (disease) according to the users’ input symptoms by using forward chaining method. Another approach is showed by using backward chaining method to help users for searching the doctors’ information that fix with users’ related syndrome (disease). The agents can be coordinate and cooperate with each other to search the related syndrome and the doctor information. As the expert knowledge required building the medical diagnosis multi-agent system, medical results are exploited. Examining the reasons of failure for paying the doctor information with the related syndrome, the system has realized that necessary measures should be taken in order to establish a semantic interoperability environment to be able to communicate with other medical diagnosis agents of other medical centers that may be located in different areas. Due to the nature of the problem which necessitates having autonomous entities dealing with heterogeneous distributed resources, the system has been built as a multi-agent system. The agent creation benchmark operates with basic Java Agent Development Framework (JADE) agents using rule based reasoning.