Master Thesis: Recent submissions

  • ZAW, HNIN NANDAR (University of Computer Studies, Yangon, 2022-12)
    No matter where they are in the world, people or individuals may now easily and cheaply communicate with one another because of the Internet. In addition to maintaining social networks and relationships, people can ...
  • HTET, NAN EI PHYO (University of Computer Studies, Yangon, 2022-12)
    The term “customer churn” is used to indicate those customers who are about to leave for a competitor or end their subscription. Customer churn or customer attrition has become an important issue for organizations ...
  • Tun, Zayar (University of Computer Studies, Yangon, 2022-12)
    Generally, low-light image enhancement techniques are mostly not just made to achieve both visual quality and computational efficiency but also commonly invalid in unknown complex scenarios. The system is focused on ...
  • Aung, May Thu (University of Computer Studies, Yangon, 2022-12)
    Detecting various classes of objects and measuring the distance between camera and objects are implemented in this system. The input of the system is an image or video which are captured by the camera. YOLOv5 architecture ...
  • Aung, Moh Moh Thet (University of Computer Studies, Yangon, 2022-12)
    Environmental protection has long placed a high priority on garbage sorting. Due to the cities' rapid population increase and the massive amount of waste it generates, urban regions are experiencing difficulties with ...
  • OO, THANDAR (University of Computer Studies, Yangon, 2022-12)
    The major cause of accidents is due to driver’s distracted actions. Most of the car accidents involve driver distraction under different forms such as talking on the phone, texting, operating the radio, drinking and ...
  • Nwe, Yie Yie (University of Computer Studies, Yangon, 2022-09)
    Database security is the system, processes, and procedures that protect a database from unintended activity. The protection of data storage is a challenging and formidable task and so the user data should be protected ...
  • Loon, Wint Wah (University of Computer Studies, Yangon, 2022-09)
    Increasing food demand will challenge the agricultural sector globally over the next decades. A sustainable solution to this challenge is to increase crop yield without massive cropland area expansion. This can be ...
  • Than, Su Hlaing Mon (University of Computer Studies, Yangon, 2022-09)
    In the modern world, the prediction of weather becomes a challenging task. The weather prediction system is very useful and important for our agriculture. Weather forecasting is important for investigating of many ...
  • San, Saint Saint (University of Computer Studies, Yangon, 2022-09)
    Nowadays, commerce is larger and larger and it affects to open new branch offices in different locations. Therefore, it is important to handle the transaction (Write/Update) of each branch by the head office. There are ...
  • Soe, Kay Khaing (University of Computer Studies, Yangon, 2022-09)
    Physical and psychological illness are important for people in their daily life. If people face risks, conflicts and difficulties, they suffer from psychological illness problems such as depression, bipolar disorder, ...
  • Paw, Sharo (University of Computer Studies, Yangon, 2022-09)
    Nowadays, there are top performance of machine translation systems for some foreign languages (high resource languages). Machine Translation (MT) is the automatic translation mechanism from one natural language into ...
  • Phyu, Moe San (University of Computer Studies, Yangon, 2022-09)
    Nowadays, banks are financial institutions whose activities are to collect funds from the public in the form of deposits (saving deposit and time deposit). Deposits are an alternative for customers because the interest ...
  • Thu, Khin Myat (University of Computer Studies, Yangon, 2022-09)
    Data mining involves the searching of large information of the data or records to discover pattens and utilize these pattens in the prediction the future events. Classification is one of the methods in data mining for ...
  • Zaw, Thura (University of Computer Studies, Yangon, 2022-09)
    The rapidly growth of internet and the World Wide Web have made the possible for millions of users to gain access to geographically distributed web content. However, raising the population of online users and the ...
  • Myintzu, Mya (University of Computer Studies, Yangon, 2022-09)
    Malaria is a life-threatening disease caused by parasites that are transmitted to people through the bites of infected mosquitoes. It remains a leading cause of morbidity and mortality in Myanmar. Myanmar is moving ...
  • Win, Thazin (University of Computer Studies, Yangon, 2022-09)
    Myanmar spelling correction intended for real-word errors and non-word errors. There are three main modules in this thesis. They are error detection,candidates generation, error correction. Dictionary look up method is ...
  • Thu, Chan Myae (University of Computer Studies, Yangon, 2022-09)
    Today people are widely used internet, electronic records because of their ease of alteration and fast transition. The society is becoming more and more digitalized – therefore Information security is becoming more ...
  • Than, Mar Mar (University of Computer Studies, Yangon, 2022-09)
    Security concerned vulnerabilities are frequently detected and exploited in modern library system. Intruders obtain unrestricted access to the information stored in the library system by exploiting security vulnerabilities. ...
  • Sann, Aye Thawta (University of Computer Studies, Yangon, 2022-09)
    An Intrusion Detection System (IDS) acts as a cyber security system which monitors and detects any security threats for software and hardware running on the network. Although there have many existing IDS but still face ...

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