National Journal of Parallel and Soft Computing (2019): Recent submissions

  • Khaing, Ei Ei; Khaing (National Journal of Parallel and Soft Computing, 2019-03)
    Many real-time applications need data services in distributed environments. Replication can help distributed real-time database systems meet the stringent time requirements of application transactions. In this system, ...
  • Myint, Kaung Htet; Aung, Tun Myat (National Journal of Parallel and Soft Computing, 2019-03)
    hort Message Service (SMS) is a text messaging service component of mobile communication systems. It uses standardized communications protocols to exchange short text between mobile devices. SMS does not have any built-in ...
  • Ma, Tin Ma; Yee, Myint Myint (National Journal of Parallel and Soft Computing, 2019-03)
    Nowadays, many Rule-Based Expert Systems have been proposed and almost all of them assume “IF-THEN” rules. The process of matching rules is performed by the data-driven approach, Forward Chaining method, in the Rule-Based ...
  • Aye, Thaw Tar; Yee, Myint Myint (National Journal of Parallel and Soft Computing, 2019-03)
    Operation Research (OR) is an interdisciplinary branch of applied mathematics and formal science that uses method like mathematical modeling, statistics and algorithms to arrive at optimal or near optimal solution to ...
  • Khaing, Mya Mya; Thein, Shwe Sin (National Journal of Parallel and Soft Computing, 2019-03)
    The hospital staff serve as patient registration and appointment scheduling in today’s healthcare domain. It makes time consuming and somehow hectic. Usually, patients have to come to the hospital and have to fill out ...
  • Htut, Su Wine; Lwin, Wai Wai (National Journal of Parallel and Soft Computing, 2019-03)
    A web prediction model helps to predict user requests ahead of time, making web servers more responsive. Web usage mining based on users’ clickstream data and it is the main subject in web prediction systems. Prediction ...
  • Lwin, Chaw Yupar; Oo, Khine Khine (National Journal of Parallel and Soft Computing, 2019-03)
    Decision making is the selection of a course of action from a number of possible alternatives on the various forms of evidences. Multi-criteria decision making (MCDM) is a discipline to support the decision makers who ...
  • Hman, May Sit; Khaing (National Journal of Parallel and Soft Computing, 2019-03)
    This paper describes replication management policies in distributed file system, and shows a decentralized dynamic replication management mechanism dependent on accessing frequency detecting named FDRM (Frequency ...
  • Thu, Han Ni Ni Myint; Oo, Khine Khine (National Journal of Parallel and Soft Computing, 2019-03)
    Web mining techniques can use to search for web access patterns, web structures, regularity and dynamics of web contents. Web usage mining analyzes Web log files to discover user accessing patterns of Web pages. Log ...
  • Hlaing, Hnin Yi; Htwe, Tin Tin (National Journal of Parallel and Soft Computing, 2019-03)
    Information in today’s business environment has become the prime ingredient of a successful business enterprise. With growth in distributed computing, Internet, WWW, e-commerce, etc…, more and more applications must ...
  • Nyeint, Khin Aye; Soe, Khin Mar (National Journal of Parallel and Soft Computing, 2019-03)
    The banking industry has undergone a major change in recent years. Global competition has forced the industry to be more agile and customer focused in all its services. Banks can no longer function in isolation, but ...
  • Maung, Ei Thinzar Win; Aye, Zin May (National Journal of Parallel and Soft Computing, 2019-03)
    Data mining is the use of algorithm to discover enormous amount of data automatically by searching hidden information from large data sets using multiple algorithms and techniques. Different methods and algorithms are ...
  • San, Hnin Yi; Oo, Khine Khine (National Journal of Parallel and Soft Computing, 2019-03)
    Nowadays it is difficult for us to imagine a life without devices that is controlled by software. Software quality prediction is the important process of software development processes. It is a process of utilizing software ...
  • Oo, Phyo Phyo; Htoon, Ei Chaw (National Journal of Parallel and Soft Computing, 2019-03)
    Swarm intelligence that mimic the natural collective intelligence to solve the computational problem has emerged and widely used in data mining. Particle swarm optimization (PSO) is a kind of swarm intelligence algorithm. ...
  • Aung, Htet Htet; Yee, Myint Myint (National Journal of Parallel and Soft Computing, 2019-03)
    Data Mining is a step in the knowledge discovery process consisting of particular data mining algorithms that, under some acceptable computational efficiency limitations, find patterns or models in data [1]. Classification ...
  • Soe, Zun Myat Myat; Htike, Thin Thin; Min, Mar Mar (National Journal of Parallel and Soft Computing, 2019-03)
    Case-Based Reasoning (CBR) is the process of solving new problems based on the solution of similar past problems. The system stores the knowledge of medical experts and the medical records of the previous cases. In ...
  • Naung, Soe Yan; Phyu, Sabai (National Journal of Parallel and Soft Computing, 2019-03)
    All of the library systems need their own data centers for managing large data storage. Traditional library management needs more control over the management applications and stored data contains sensitive and private ...
  • Shine, Chit Thu; Nyunt, Thi Thi Soe (University of Computer Studies, Yangon, 2019-03)
    Nowadays, a large amount of digital data is generated from everywhere, every second of the day. One of the challenges is the volume of generated data with high dimensionality. Most of traditional machine learning ...
  • Hsan, Nan Phyu Phyu; Oo, Twe Ta (University of Computer Studies, Yangon, 2019-03)
    Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR) is a popular and challenging area of research in human computer interaction. This paper presents an isolated Myanmar speech recognition system that is speaker dependent as well as ...
  • Sandy, Thoon; Theint, Khant Kyawt Kyawt (University of Computer Studies, Yangon, 2019-03)
    Compression creates a brand new document that shops records in a format that require much less area. Compression strategies are used in video conferencing, video telephony, video on mobile telephone, video on internet. ...

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